Psalm 91.14-16: In Jesus Christ's faithfulness to his Father, we find our avenue of rescue. In him, the promises of God's "I Will..." statements comes to reality, both now and in eternal life.
Psalm 91.14-16: In Jesus Christ's faithfulness to his Father, we find our avenue of rescue. In him, the promises of God's "I Will..." statements comes to reality, both now and in eternal life.
Psalm 91.9-13: In Christ, we are given the opportunity to live as those of victory, not those lost in their suffering. We are defined by bold obedience, not paralyzed fear.
Psalm 91.3-8: With all the snares and pestilence in our world, we can be confident in Christ that these will not be the end of our stories. Goodness is our end, no matter the evil we face in this world.
Psalm 91:1-2 - For the next 4 weeks, we'll be looking at Psalm 91. Today, verses 1-2 guide us to seek the shelter of the only One that can give true shelter, the LORD.