Dec 31, 2023
Sermon: The Fear of Bethlehem
By: Pastor Ben Hulst
Series: Bethlehem: Though You Are Small
Matthew 2.1-18: Bethlehem, in many ways, a comforting scene, as we witness in Luke, is a dangerous and threatening one in Matthew. With the story of Herod against the child-king, we are brought to the call for all humanity to bow before the feet of this Messiah. Herod will refuse, but instead seek his own path. Most, as well, seek their own path and refuse bowing at the feet of Christ. But peace is found in bending the knee, in giving him control, in trusting in his path toward everlasting peace.
- Dec 31, 2023Sermon: The Fear of Bethlehem
Dec 31, 2023Sermon: The Fear of BethlehemBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Bethlehem: Though You Are SmallMatthew 2.1-18: Bethlehem, in many ways, a comforting scene, as we witness in Luke, is a dangerous and threatening one in Matthew. With the story of Herod against the child-king, we are brought to the call for all humanity to bow before the feet of this Messiah. Herod will refuse, but instead seek his own path. Most, as well, seek their own path and refuse bowing at the feet of Christ. But peace is found in bending the knee, in giving him control, in trusting in his path toward everlasting peace.
- Dec 24, 2023Sermon: Undermining the World
Dec 24, 2023Sermon: Undermining the WorldBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Bethlehem: Though You Are SmallLuke 2.1-20: The seeming insignificance of Christ's birth in the eyes of the world calls the world to mystery. It calls us to remember that we are not in control. If we attempt mastery of our lives without the mystery of God's workings, we will fail. Christmas teaches us to trust the mystery of the coming of Christ. To bow in response to this mystery raises us to the heights of our heavenly Father.
- Dec 17, 2023Sermon: Looking Deep in the Cupboards
Dec 17, 2023Sermon: Looking Deep in the CupboardsBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Bethlehem: Though You Are SmallI Samuel 16: We long for a king. Our world longs for a king. We desire a king who can bring peace to the world and to our soul. In David, we see the imperfect model of a king, one that will be made perfect in the king to come, the King of kings and Lord of lords - Jesus of Bethlehem.
- Dec 10, 2023Sermon: Will There Be Bread?
Dec 10, 2023Sermon: Will There Be Bread?By: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Bethlehem: Though You Are SmallRuth 1: In the story of Naomi, we see a common experience of human life - of moving from pleasantness to bitterness, from fullness to emptiness. The question becomes what story will we cloak ourselves with - the story of bitterness or of trust in the promises of God. This is not a trite reality, but one of greatest depth and of longest outlook. It is an eternal outlook in tying your life story in the broader story of God's kingdom coming. This takes faith to trust in this hope. But it is worth the cost.
- Dec 3, 2023Sermon: Bethlehem, Though You Are Small
Dec 3, 2023Sermon: Bethlehem, Though You Are SmallBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Bethlehem: Though You Are SmallMicah 5.1-4: Our world and our lives are constantly threatened by the dark cloud of discouragement, despair, and decay that desire to claim us. But in Advent, we look to the hope of the unexpected - of the provision of fulfillment, of spiritual nourishment and everlasting promise. We look to Bethlehem!
- Nov 26, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Life: The Life of Freedom
Nov 26, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Life: The Life of FreedomBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Trees of Fruitful AbundanceGalatians 5.13-26: To conclude the Fruit of the Spirit series, we look at the context of Christian freedom that the fruit is taught in. What does Paul understand by freedom? What does it mean to live in freedom properly? What is the goal?
- Nov 19, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Self-Control
Nov 19, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Self-ControlBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Trees of Fruitful AbundanceProverbs 25.28: Self-control, the last of the fruit mentioned by Paul, is one that challenges our desires greatly. For the Christian, the goal is not just to resist desire, but to seek a higher desire - that of God and his holy way. Self-control is a forming of our spiritual walls to protect our souls from the destruction of the devil's schemes. It allows us to be ready and available to follow the Spirit's lead on our lives to live for God's kingdom purposes.
- Nov 12, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Gentleness
Nov 12, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: GentlenessBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Trees of Fruitful AbundanceJames 3.13-18: Gentleness is an ability to maintain humble strength in the midst of difficulty. It is a character of friendliness, of patient endurance to the irritations of life. It is a strength that doesn't allow the hardships of the world to alter our character and to act as like to those hardships. It entreats others with grace rather than treats other as hindrances towards one goals.
- Nov 5, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Faithfulness
Nov 5, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: FaithfulnessBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Trees of Fruitful AbundancePsalm 33: Faithfulness is about keeping promises, fulfilling vows, and seeing things through to their end. Faithfulness allows systems of family and society to work well. As Christians, we are called to faithfulness as God has been faithful to us. We are to show the world a pattern of trustworthiness in our word and action, fulfilling vows that we've made.
- Oct 29, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Goodness
Oct 29, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: GoodnessBy: Pastor Ben HulstSeries: Trees of Fruitful AbundanceMatthew 20.1-16: To bear goodness through the Spirit is to model the very character of God, who is generous and lavish with his love and care. To pass on goodness, we need to have stored within us the goodness from God. Then, we will have strength to be generous with others around us.