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Nov 15, 2020
Sermon: Retelling the Story: Part 4
Series: Acts
Acts 7.37-8.1 - Stephen's concluding section warns us to not put God in a box, but to be open to him having reign of our lives so that he might break out in bringing abundant life to the world. 
  • Nov 15, 2020Sermon: Retelling the Story: Part 4
    Nov 15, 2020
    Sermon: Retelling the Story: Part 4
    Series: Acts
    Acts 7.37-8.1 - Stephen's concluding section warns us to not put God in a box, but to be open to him having reign of our lives so that he might break out in bringing abundant life to the world. 
  • Nov 8, 2020Sermon: Retelling the Story – Part 3
    Nov 8, 2020
    Sermon: Retelling the Story – Part 3
    Series: Acts
    Acts 7.17-37 - As Stephen speaks on the life of Moses, we find key aspects of the Christian life that give us hope. Even though hard times come, God's victory is sure. 
  • Oct 11, 2020Sermon: Retelling the Story: Part 2
    Oct 11, 2020
    Sermon: Retelling the Story: Part 2
    Acts 7.1-16: Stephen presents his retelling of Israel's history to ground them correctly upon true foundations. All of this leads to a humility that honors Christ as our true foundation and true hope. 
  • Oct 4, 2020Sermon: Retelling the Story: Part 1
    Oct 4, 2020
    Sermon: Retelling the Story: Part 1
    Acts 6.1-7.8: We begin a multi-week investigation of Stephen's sermon that leads to his death at the hands of the his enemies. With Stephen, we consider the story of Israel and the world that is reframed through Jesus Christ. He must be the interpretative lens through how we view the world's story and our own. 
  • Sep 13, 2020Sermon: Rest for Our Souls
    Sep 13, 2020
    Sermon: Rest for Our Souls
    Matthew 11.25-30: In Jesus, we find rest from the unwieldly "taskmasters" that haunt our soul. In Jesus' work of redemption, we find rest for our souls and freedom to live for him in joy.
  • Sep 10, 2020Midweek Minute.Proverbs 15.3
    Sep 10, 2020
    Midweek Minute.Proverbs 15.3
    Proverbs 15.3 - Being seen by God is the comfort and hope of the Christian. 
  • Sep 6, 2020Sermon: Humble Thyself
    Sep 6, 2020
    Sermon: Humble Thyself
    Proverbs 30.1-9: Humility is the key to victory in this uncertain world. Humility leads us to trust the revelation of the Creator God that leads us to the refuge of Jesus Christ. 
  • Aug 30, 2020Sermon: The Shelter of Jesus
    Aug 30, 2020
    Sermon: The Shelter of Jesus
    Series: Psalm 91
    Psalm 91.14-16: In Jesus Christ's faithfulness to his Father, we find our avenue of rescue. In him, the promises of God's "I Will..." statements comes to reality, both now and in eternal life. 
  • Aug 26, 2020Midweek Minute: Psalm 91.1-6
    Aug 26, 2020
    Midweek Minute: Psalm 91.1-6
    Series: Psalm 91
    In the midst of the shadow of death that looms, we are welcomed to rest under the greater shadow of protection of the Almighty. 
  • Aug 23, 2020Sermon: Treading on the Serpent
    Aug 23, 2020
    Sermon: Treading on the Serpent
    Series: Psalm 91
    Psalm 91.9-13: In Christ, we are given the opportunity to live as those of victory, not those lost in their suffering. We are defined by bold obedience, not paralyzed fear.