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Oct 29, 2023
Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Goodness
Matthew 20.1-16: To bear goodness through the Spirit is to model the very character of God, who is generous and lavish with his love and care. To pass on goodness, we need to have stored within us the goodness from God. Then, we will have strength to be generous with others around us.
  • Oct 29, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Goodness
    Oct 29, 2023
    Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Goodness
    Matthew 20.1-16: To bear goodness through the Spirit is to model the very character of God, who is generous and lavish with his love and care. To pass on goodness, we need to have stored within us the goodness from God. Then, we will have strength to be generous with others around us.
  • Oct 22, 2023Sermon: Promises Made, Promises Kept
    Oct 22, 2023
    Sermon: Promises Made, Promises Kept
    II Samuel 9.1-13: Guest speaker, Elder Jasper Hall, leads us through the story of David and Mephibosheth. It is a demonstration of faithfulness, grace, and love.
  • Oct 15, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Kindness
    Oct 15, 2023
    Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Kindness
    Titus 3.1-8: Kindness is a somewhat simple concept. Be kind is to be of benevolent approach to the other, looking for good of them. It is a loving and patient approach that moves beyond self-seeking. It is a fruit of the Spirit that opposes the spirit of this world that is bent on self-centered advantage. We live kindness because God was kind to us in Christ, having mercy upon us to bestow love we didn't deserve. Be kind.
  • Oct 8, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Long-Suffering
    Oct 8, 2023
    Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Long-Suffering
    Ecclesiastes 7.8-14: Patience is a gift of the Spirit that is literally, 'long-suffering.' This speaks to a strength from God to keep walking forward to the promise even as hardships come our way. Patience in life and toward others is a trait that models God and his character. In his grace, he is utterly long-suffering with us to bring us to himself. As we reflect on this, it allows us to be patient with one another as we travel this road to eternity.
  • Oct 1, 2023Sermon: Philippians 4.4-9
    Oct 1, 2023
    Sermon: Philippians 4.4-9
    Philippians 4.4-9: We long for peace, but it is very difficult to find. So much challenges our peace and we often fail to be peacemakers ourselves. Peace is not natural, but the Spirit gives us a supernatural peace. How do we grow in is? What must we be aware of?
  • Sep 24, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Joy
    Sep 24, 2023
    Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Joy
    Psalm 126, I Peter 1.3-9: We long for a deep joy, a joy that lasts and that raises our spirit to a strength that overwhelms our sufferings. This joy is from the Lord. We cannot conjure it up via alternate means, but must gain it from the source, God himself. He offers an everlasting joy that fulfills all our deepest longings and hopes.
  • Sep 17, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Love
    Sep 17, 2023
    Sermon: The Spirit-Ripened Person: Love
    Galatians 5.13-26: To grow in the fruit of the Spirit, we need to stay in step with the Spirit. We put ourselves in the context of the Spirit's testimony. This will grow our love as we are continuously exposed to God and his character and action in Scripture and in our lives. A life of love is a summary of freedom.
  • Sep 10, 2023Sermon: The Spirit-Led Path
    Sep 10, 2023
    Sermon: The Spirit-Led Path
    Psalm 1: We begin a series on the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5 as we consider Psalm 1 as an Old Testament parallel passage. We will be considering what it means to be a person of substance who can stand with character, with disciplined passion for good, and an ability to be a blessing to the world. This is something that is vitally needed today. This is our call.
  • Sep 3, 2023Sermon: An Inheritance of Prime Real Estate
    Sep 3, 2023
    Sermon: An Inheritance of Prime Real Estate
    Psalm 16: "Keep me safe" is a simple, yet deep prayer of our hearts. Life is filled with threats that trigger our feelings of insecurity and of fear. How do we stay steady in the midst of it all? David leads us to recognize the confidence and contentment we can have as we fix our eyes on the Lord. He will not abandon us to decay, but will lead us to an eternal inheritance through Jesus.
  • Aug 27, 2023Sermon: John’s Subversive Ministry
    Aug 27, 2023
    Sermon: John’s Subversive Ministry
    Matthew 21.23-32: John and Jesus' ministry is about exposing the darkness and exposing it with the light. To overcome the darkness is to set up God's kingdom, where no injustice reigns and where forgiveness and hope is found. To have hope in this world and the next, we must look to Jesus, for it is upon his gift of grace that we find our hope.